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Press releases

Announcing PDK availability with our unified electronic and photonic design platform

Find out how our process design kit (PDK) streamlines end-to-end design of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) with on-chip laser technology.

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OpenLight and their revolutionary approach to photonics
Dec 2022

OpenLight and their revolutionary approach to photonics

Dan is joined by Dr. Thomas Mader, Tom is the Chief Operating Officer of OpenLight, a newly formed independent company by investments from Synopsys…

OpenLight and their revolutionary approach to photonics
Modulation beyond 200G for AI/ML and Ethernet applications.
Apr 2024

Modulation beyond 200G for AI/ML and Ethernet applications.

OpenLight’s Post Deadline Paper Th4C.8 at this year’s OFC, covering Modulation beyond 200G, was an exhibition highlight.

Modulation beyond 200G for AI/ML and Ethernet applications.
What does open PDK really mean?
May 2024

What does open PDK really mean?

OpenLight’s open PDK (product development kit) allows customers to design their own, next-generation PASIC, for existing, new and emerging…

What does open PDK really mean?